WARSIGN™ Pipeline Markers

Sparco Multiplast Pvt. Ltd. is a manufacturer of Pipeline Markers / other road sign markers supplying to many sector including Gas pipeline industries, Telecommunication, Infrastructure industries requires the use of signs to indicate the location of underground pipelines. Markers indicate the general location of pipelines, not their exact location. Markers are located at road, railroad, and navigable waterway crossings. Markers are also posted along the pipeline right-of-way Pipelines are marked by above ground signs of provide an indication of their presence, location, product carried and the name and contact information of the company that operates the pipeline. The signs are generally yellow, black and red in color. The primary function of these above ground markers is to identify the location of the pipeline generally as an alert to those who might be working along the pipeline corridor for another utility or during the construction of homes or business nearby. PRODUCT FEAT...